Time management


 Everyone dreams of success and prosperity; a life that has peace, happiness, people who love, robust health, an abundance of wealth, and above all strong relation with Allah (SWT). But what happens is the opposite. When we look around, we find a lot of people surrounded by problems.

What is the reason? A major reason is we do not utilize our time well; we take it for granted. People who manage their time well are the ones who achieve their goals well before time. These people do not only make time for their mental and physical health but also take care of their responsibilities.

Imagine a student who studies, plays, eats, wakes up, and sleeps on time every day. Would he live a better life compared with another student who is missing discipline and punctuality?

Imagine two women. One is habitual of exercising, studying, wrapping up home chores, or other responsibilities on time whereas the other one keeps putting things off or starts working on a task as soon as she recalls one because she does not have a plan. Which one do you think would have more peace and success in her life? Of course, the first woman.

Similar is the state of any individual, family, or business unit. You will find prosperity wherever there is a culture of working on time. My daily planner is the best planner for 2024 and guidebook have been arranged with the same purpose. Read on to know why!

Successful Life

Everyone is given time? So what is special?

Time is an excellent resource that we are all provided. Even though it is limited, we take it for granted. Do you know why? Because nature allows another minute, another hour, and another day for free. But once a moment passes, it never comes back. And a time comes in our life when we realize how we utilized our time. There is either regret or contentment. The only thing that can make a difference is how we manage time. Using time well is also one of the best ways to be grateful to Allah (SWT).

You manage your time in today

The future depends on what you do today. Hence, successful people always think of the time in terms of what they have in hand. That is today. They plan their work, but most of all, they work their plan in the now.

What is a goal?

A goal is a desired result that you picture in your mind’s eye now and plan to achieve in the future.

If time is a resource, then the goal is the parameter that measures how you utilize this resource. Without a goal, one would just be wandering and would accept whatever comes along. It is like having a stack of money with nothing to buy. Hence, a goal adds meaning to time by giving purpose to life.

What is discipline?

Once you know the desired result (goal), the next step is disciplining yourself. In simple words, discipline is utilizing time (the resource) in achieving the goal (desired result). It is about maintaining a routine until you get in the habit of achieving what you want.

System for maintaining discipline and achievement

If you care about the goal, you will focus on the system.

~ James clear

In this era of social media and information overload, there is always so much to do and not enough time. You will generally see people getting overwhelmed, stressed, and out of control. A significant part of the day is lost in making sense of the information and what needs to be done. The reason is somewhere on our way to survival, we have lost sense of a balanced life.

  • If we are good at our job, we cannot find enough time to pay attention to our health or pursue higher education.
  • If we are prospering in our business, we have enough money to support our family but cannot give them quality time for moral support and sharing joy.
  • Those who have free time consume random information from social media, Netflix, and television. Most of this is not even necessary and not leading them anywhere. They feel a lack of self-control. Because despite being free, they cannot get themselves to engage in a meaningful activity such as performing prayers.
  • It may be that you are healthy and have a supportive family environment. But doing a job that is meaningless for you. You see other people’s success stories on social media and question, ‘why have I not been able to achieve anything worthwhile yet?’
  • If any of these challenges sound familiar to you, daily planner is the best planner for 2024 that can bring you back on track with a fulfilling life. What is a ‘balanced track’ and a ‘fulfilling life’? A railway track is made up of two major components. One is steel rail, and the other is railway sleepers. Steel rail determines direction like a goal does in our life, whereas railway sleepers provide the foundation to steel rail so that the train stays on track every second like our daily actions for our goals. My Daily Planner is the best planner for 2024 because life goals and yearly goals help you set direction like the steel rail. My daily planner gives you a sense of control (balance) by determining a set of actions every day like railway sleepers. Hence, every passing day keeps you in the direction of your goals.


Daily Planner

A planner is a tool that provides you with a system. This system brings your day right in front of your eyes in one view. It adds clarity by defining what is important, urgent, and/or less important. See the Must-do list and the To-do List in the planner. It gives you a sense of what information to consume, delay or avoid. You feel in charge of the day and work on your tasks with greater focus and energy. Whatever is not on the daily planner page is either unnecessary or unimportant today. Hence, you instantly feel anxious when you engage in an activity that is not part of the daily planner. This feeling persists until you come back on track.

Result? You end up with a productive day achieving what you are capable of.

Components that make ‘My daily planner’ the best planner for 2024

  • Life Goals

It is an overview of what you want, have ever wanted, or would want to achieve in your life. One reason why My Daily Planner is the best planner for 2024 is that it contains this master plan that brings all you want right in front of you in one view.

  • Yearly Goals

Once you have written your life goals, you have a complete list of your desires. Now it is time to pick from them the goals you would like to achieve this year. In other words, you are deciding what you would spend this year’s time (resource) to achieve. Another reason why My Daily Planner is the best planner for 2024 is that it helps you set SMART yearly goals.

  • Yearly Goal (Action Plan)

The action plan details how you would achieve a yearly goal. It also includes reasons for achieving the goal, steps involved, and resources needed. An action plan breaks down a yearly goal into achievable steps and gives you a roadmap of where to begin and how to move forward. You will not find such yearly action planner template in any other planner in Pakistan which is another reason why My Daily Planner is the best planner for 2024.

  • Weekly Overview

Once you have decided your picks for this year from the master plan, you further plan what you would do this week to:

advance your yearly goals

take care of other tasks related to your work and personal life

Sunday power questions to do something special for yourself, family, and friends

It contains a recap of your achievements last week and an overview of your plan for next week. A notable benefit of making a weekly plan; it brings the most important tasks of your next week in one tabulated view. Not only is it relieving, but you can also come back to it whenever you feel you are missing something important while planning your workdays. This is yet another reason why My Daily Planner is the best planner for 2024.

  • Daily Planner

If you bought this planner, you have likely made New Year or mid-year resolutions. Most resolutions die long before they see the light of the day and end up in guilt resulting from non-achievement.

Have you ever questioned why you do not follow through on resolutions? This failure is usually attributed to lack of motivation or inconsistency. Experts reveal that this failure is actually due to absence of a system.

Daily planner is where the action starts. Today is where you put all your planning to action. Daily planner can be challenging because it requires you to make the plan and execute it daily. However, if you can maintain a routine of making your daily plan and act on it consistently, soon you will be able to discipline yourself in the direction of your cherished goals. Our team has put a lot of time and energy in designing, taking feedback from experts and redesigning this daily planner template. We have taken great pains to ensure that it is concise, not overwhelming and customized to the Pakistani culture which definitely makes My Daily Planner the best planner for 2024.

Components of ‘Daily Planner’


  • Motivational Quotes

An idea can change your life. In the daily planner, you start your day with a powerful quote that energizes you by stimulating your mind to think better thoughts. The quotes have been translated into Urdu to make sure that it provides clear context for the reader which is another small reason why My Daily Planner is the best planner for 2024 for Pakistani people.

  • Must-do list

Here you write 2 tasks that are going to be your prime focus for today. These tasks are both urgent and important, hence you must get these done within today no matter what. Progress on these tasks will give sense of achievement and energy to maintain focus and momentum throughout the day. This differentiates My Daily Planner from other planners available in Pakistan and makes it the best planner for 2024.

  • To-do list

Here, you take an overview of the day in your mind and write all tasks that you need to do today and its scheduled time. This section begins with ‘Wake up at’ and ends at ‘Sleep at’ that you decide the night before. In the middle, you have space to write tasks that you intend to schedule for today.

This section does not only help you build a habit by challenging you to do more but also ensures that no tasks that need your attention get skipped. We recommend you refer to the table you filled in your last ‘Weekly Overview’ when filling your daily planner. You may pick the tasks with their respective schedules and decide yourself whether to put them in ‘Must-do list’ or ‘To-do list’ depending on their significance.

Sleep: The difference between last day’s ‘Sleep at’ and today’s ‘Wake up at’ is your total sleeping time. By taking proper sleep, you can avoid depression, keep your memory and focus intact. This habit has been included to keep track of your sleeping hours.

  • Habits

Our habits are either best of our slaves or worst of our masters. Hence, we must keep track of our dominant habits that have the power to make us or break us. In this section, we have mentioned the three most common habits, detailed below and left space for one more at your discretion to fill:

  • Reading: Here, reading includes self-study or self-education for personal, financial, and spiritual growth. Your success depends in part on what you read and for how long. People who read are usually more peaceful and confident about their future than the ones who do not.
  • Exercise: Exercising does not only gives you physical energy but also helps keep your mind fresh. Your body is the place you live in to achieve what you want.
  • Family Time: Your family is a factor primarily responsible for your happiness. This habit is included so that you toss aside all the electronic devices after you are home from work and spend that time with your family.

The idea behind mentioning the most important habits is so that the user does not get confused and keeps their schedule uniform over time. This helps in maintaining consistency and has a significant impact on long term productivity. Yet another reason that makes My Daily Planner the best planner for 2024.

  • Checklist

  • Not do today: One of the main reasons why we fail to get important things done is we fall prey to spending time on things that we do not need to engage in at all i.e. that are neither important nor urgent, but steal precious time away from things that matter. For example, excessive mobile use and negative people are two powerful burdens on your attention that will make it difficult to focus on your goals. Reading this checklist in the morning, you can become conscious of what you need to avoid doing if you want your day to be productive.
  • Do today: These are certain things that are not directly contributing to advance your goals but rather catalyst in maintaining the flow. For example, ‘plan your day’ and all else will come along. My daily planner has been arranged for developing this habit. Another one that is included is ‘prayers’. One of the main reasons we live in anxiety today is we do not attend to Allah (SWT) and the only way to peace is in devotion to Allah (SWT).

Time management is actually the process of elimination. If you define the time wasters that distract you, your mind will eventually be clear enabling you to focus on things that matter.

This gives My Daily Planner another reason to deserve to be the best planner for 2024.

Note: You can tick the checkboxes depending on whether you were able to avoid or do those items.


  • Today’s Biggest Achievement:

“The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday.” – Amy Morin

What did you achieve today that helped you get close to your goals and made you a better person today? The answer may likely come from achieving your must-do list. Or it may be something you did not expect altogether.


  • Notes:

Here you may sum up the day. You may include something unusual or surprising that happened, a lesson you learned, or an achievement. Notes store powerful memories when you come back to them. It provides information about your day that you might otherwise forget.


  • Achievement:

Finally, you may give a certain percentage based on how satisfied you feel with your performance.

How to deal with life problem?

One Comment

  1. According to a research conducted at University College of London that is mentioned in several best selling books on self-development, ‘On average, it takes 66 days of consistent effort to develop a habit.’ We are often tired of trying to remain consistent, especially in an era in which there is so much uncertainty and information overload that our important tasks get sidetracked.
    My Daily Planner on your table, bedside and bag is a permanent reminder of your priorities and schedules. It does not let you forget that you need to organize your day and then mark your progress. Just use it for 66 days and take your life on a whole new journey you never thought possible.

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